God's Work, Our Hands Committee meets the 1st Thursday of every month at 5pm in the fellowship hall. We work to plan monthly activities our church family that are both fun and an outreach to our surrounding community.
We are currently collecting donations for the ELCA Good Gifts throughout Lent. See the monthly newsletter and Sunday bulletin for more information.
For the first quarter we our mission is Salvation Army. Envelopes for this have been put in your yearly offering envelopes and they are also in the gathering area and on the table in the sanctuary. Envelopes can be put in the offering plate.
Gather with us every Monday at 1pm for our weekly Bible Study. We invite everyone from the community and other churches to join us for this time of learning, sharing and fellowship.
Immanuel is proud to help those in our surrounding communities by supporting the Blissfield Area Food Pantry. This month we are collecting the following items:
Pancake Mix Syrup Egg Noodles
Canned Fruit Cream of Chicken Soup Cream of Celery Soup
We will delivers meals to seniors in our community, June 23rd thru June 27th. A sign-up sheet will be posted on the bulletin board in May.
For our drivers please remember to arrive between 10:15 and 10:30am to pick up meals.